Are you having issues with birds nesting under your solar panels? You may need to add solar panel pest prevention to keep your solar panels working and your Bristol home safe. Allied Electrical Services are your local solar panel experts in Bristol. We are here to explain what solar panel pest prevention is and why you should add it to your solar panel installation.
Why do I need Solar Panel Pest Prevention?
Solar panels make a great addition to your Bristol home, helping to minimise your carbon footprint and lower your energy bills. Unfortunately, your new solar panels can also seem like an attractive option for a home to birds, particularly pigeons. Whilst we all like to encourage nature in our gardens, your solar panels are not a safe location for a bird to nest and they can inadvertently cause considerable damage to your installation. By installing solar panel pest prevention, either at the time of initial solar panel installation or later on, you can prevent birds from nesting and roosting on your roof.
What is solar panel pest prevention?
Solar panel pest prevention is a simple but effective solution to birds attempting to roost in the warm, dark space between your roof and your solar panels. The most common kind of solar panel pest prevention in an anti-bird mesh which is clipped into place around your panels, preventing birds from gaining access. In this case, as in so many others, prevention is better than cure. By installing solar panel pest prevention at your Bristol home you will avoid the many problems nesting birds can cause and save both time and money in the long run.
What problems can be caused by birds roosting in my solar panels?
There are lots of problems that can be caused by birds nesting or roosting under your solar panels. Installing solar panel pest prevention will prevent these problems.
- Nesting materials, feathers and debris can all present a fire hazard when they build up around the electrical cabling for your solar panels.
- Birds can damage the electrical cabling through movement and pecking, increasing the risk of failure and electrical fire.
- Large amounts of bird droppings will obscure the surface of your solar PV panels, lowering their energy production.
- Bird droppings are acidic, and they can cause corrosion of the surfaces of your solar panels - as well as the metalwork and brickwork of your home.
- Birds’ nests are breeding grounds for mites, ticks and fleas which can find their way into your home. They can also attract other creatures such as mice and rats.
- Nesting materials, feathers and droppings can block gutters and drains.
- Bird droppings look and smell unpleasant. The droppings also contain various harmful pathogens and bacteria which present a health hazard to you and your family.
Solar panel pest prevention installer in Bristol
Allied Electrical Services are Bristol’s trusted, reliable solar panel experts. Our fully trained and MCS accredited solar panel electricians have been providing a high-quality service to the people of Bristol for 25 years. We can help with all aspects of solar panel installation, repair, and maintenance – including the installation of effective solar panel pest prevention.
If you would like to learn more about solar panel pest prevention, contact our friendly team today.